

MARS-L 5.56

With the development of the monoli thic upper re-ceiver, LMT® harmonized durability, modularity, and accuracy in the assault rifle platf orm. The MRP® is the most robust and accurate rifle system in service, and is absolutely the most modular. The availabili-ty of 3 buttstocks, 6 upper receivers, and over 14 barrels allow for at least 250 different configurati ons. This one system can fulfill the role of a close quarters battl e rifle or a li ghtweight DMR, and it can make that tr ansi ti on in mere minutes without an armorer. The MRP® features an ambidextr ous charging handle, fully ambidextr ous low-er, improved ergonomics, and is considered by many the next generati on of infantr y rifl.



North East Technologies (NET) Ltd.
Gamla House, Building A, Ra'anana, 4350108 Israel
Tel. 972-9-748-9038  Fax: 09-7489-066

E-mail: netech@ne-tech.com